Tag Archives | jörg woltmann

Königliche Porzellan-Manufaktur

Freunden von Freunden is starting a new series with Be Berlin / Berlin Partner that features creatives and entrepreneurs’ workplaces. Their first post introduces Jörg Woltmann, the owner of the Königliche Porzellan-Manufaktur (Royal Porcelain Factory) in Berlin.

“I didn’t know how tedious porcelain production would be until I bought KPM.” To this day, about eighty percent of the products are crafted by hand. “Of course we would profit with the digitization of things like 3D scanners. However, the final production is only possible by hand. No machine could ever produce the same quality. I have always been fascinated by the fact that even to this day some things are just better done by human hands than by a machine…”














Photography by Anna Rose
View the full post at Freunden von Freunden.

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